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Welcome to Writing Under the Full Moon!

Thanks for being here, and I hope you decide to stick around.

Here’s what this is: a monthly newsletter, sent out on every full moon, with writing tips, advice, news, musings, fun facts, astrological puzzlers, and historical tidbits about full moons and being a writer.

Also, I’ll add writing prompts at the end of each post!

Full moon image by James Wheeler courtesy of Pexels.com.

A bit about me: I was a full moon baby, born on the full moon in mid-July on a sweltering early morning in lower Manhattan. I’m also a writer, a writing teacher, and a general amateur moon enthusiast. When I was a kid, I wanted to be an astronaut, and that desire to fly at top speeds amongst the stars has never totally faded.

This is yours truly, the full moon baby, at three years old with a giant head and a taste for creative projects!

As I’ve become a writer, too, I’ve found that my writing goes through cycles, much like the moon: dreaming of a new idea, starting the drafting process, tiptoeing my way forward through the dark, hoping it will all come together. Then, committing to the form and structure, revising, fine-tuning, and reinventing the piece at least a few more times before sending it off into the world to hopefully be published and seen by others. With this in mind, I want to share my adventures through the writing and publishing process through a whimsical lens of the full moon: a time of completion, of manifesting, of letting go, and of thinking about getting inspired for the next creative project.

So each month, I’ll focus in on aspect of this journey: either reflecting on where I am in it, or offering some tips for one of these major steps. Once you have a few publications under your belt, it definitely gets easier, but we writers constantly face frustration, rejection, resistance, and all kinds of obstacles. So if you’re a writer (or someone who writes things sometimes or quite often yet tangles with whether or not to call yourself a writer), you’re not alone!

Here’s what I’m offering:

For you, dear reader, I’ll send 12-13 newsletters a year (including one for the blue moon when there is one, which this year is at the end of August!). Joy. Support. Strange moon-related memes and trivia. I’ll delve into concepts derived from the full moon, like “lunacy” or Egyptian lunar rituals that focused on a cycle of rejuvenation (as they called the moon “the one that repeats its form”). Writing prompts!

My hope is to start and continue conversations with folks about writing, bolster community, and share elements of my writing life with you and any other interested readers. I hope you’ll join me, and share with anyone who you think might want to come along for the ride!

Subscribe to Writing Under the The Full Moon

Writing, adventures, updates, moon fun, pop culture, astrology, history, and other delights brought to you once a month on the full moon! Hope you'll join us!


Writer and writing teacher, launching Writing Under the Full Moon, a substack of writing prompts, experiences, updates, and full moon fun facts. Moments of Zen optional but recommended. Join me!